Hello everyone!
This has been a good week with lots of rain!
I enjoy the rain, because it means that I get to take longer showers ! This has been a good week though like always because we have found a new investigator. (An investigator is someone who wants to learn more about the church) We found him through tracting! I also got a hair cut!
Last Monday Elder Heaton, another elder in a different district, came over to cut Elder Brown and my hair for us. Hehe, it looks good. We just hung out afterwards for a few hours since it was a P-day (Preparation day, basically our weekend).
Because of the rain, not many people were outside and so we talked to 74 people this week. We are still improving and it feels great when people stop and talk to you.
We went on exchanges this week. I led the area and Elder Clarin enjoyed it. We tracted one street and the very last house that we knocked on was a young man, who let us in!! He said that he had said a prayer for us to come over and talk to him. he had a lot of good questions and wanted to know more about the church :-) We will be teaching him more this week which I am pretty excited about :-) It was also fun that day because we got a ride up to the church for our last scripture study class. It is good because we got to cycle down this long hill!
We also fed some ducks and they didn't want to leave!
Yesterday I decided to get up to bear my testimony. When I got up I was fine for the first 2 seconds or so but then I started to get very light headed. My vision started to get blurry and I was not able to concentrate on much. I felt like I was going to faint and I could hear and feel my heart slowing down a ton! Well I decided to interrupt all my plans on what to say and just ended it. I made it back to my seat but I noticed that I was sweating a bunch! Well I share this because I have never had that happen to me before! It was a good experience.
Lots of different people have been emailing me lately - also all my friends from school. It's really fun!
I also did my finances! It is so much fun to do your finances! I like it ha ha. Though I forgot how to do it all so I just guessed. Elder Brown is also memorizing the order for all the lessons in the book, so that is all the cards on the floor!
That is it for this week in short. I love being a missionary! It feels great and it is so rewarding! I have put on a few pounds. I am still skinny but now weigh 143 pounds! I weighed about 130ish before I left on my mission. I know this gospel is true and I know that God answers our prayers. He is always ready to listen to what you say and he will never not listen to you.
I love you all!